Redesign online rental user experience for the number one ski store in Europe

Redesign online rental user experience for the number one ski store in Europe

The online ski booking site SKISET needed a graphic redesign to improve the user experience and make the site more attractive to customers. The goal of this project is to design a modern, easy-to-use user interface that helps customers easily find and book ski equipment.


  1. Improve the user experience by making the site more intuitive and easy to navigate
  2. Make the site more visually appealing to customers
  3. Ensure mobile compatibility for easy access to reservations from anywhere
  4. Improve loading speed for a better user experience
  5. Improve the booking process and facilitate in-store pickup


  • User research to understand customer expectations for booking ski equipment online
  • Design of a new modern and intuitive user interface
  • Developed a prototype to test the feasibility of the new user interface
  • Implemented the new interface on the site using modern technologies to improve loading speed
  • User testing to ensure that the new interface meets customer expectations


  • User research document
  • User interface design (wireframes and mock-ups)
  • Functional prototype of the new user interface
  • User tests and audition report of the prototype with recommendations for improvements
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