Redesign of a business application aimed at investors and partners for SNCF

Redesign of a business application aimed at investors and partners for SNCF

As the UX designer for the project, I led the redesign of a business application tailored for investors and construction project partners of SNCF. This strategic initiative aimed to enhance user experience and streamline processes within the construction project ecosystem.

To kickstart the redesign, I collaborated closely with the SNCF team and stakeholders to gain a deep understanding of their pain points, requirements, and expectations. Conducting user interviews, workshops, and user journey mapping, we gathered valuable insights to inform our design decisions.

Next, I focused on creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface. By organizing complex data and functionalities, I aimed to simplify navigation and improve overall usability. The wireframing process allowed us to iteratively visualize and refine the application’s new structure.

Throughout the design phase, I emphasized consistency and cohesion in the visual elements, aligning them with SNCF’s branding guidelines. The goal was to ensure a seamless transition for existing users and provide a unified experience across all SNCF applications.

After producing high-fidelity prototypes, we conducted rigorous usability testing with investors and project partners to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. Based on their insights, we made necessary refinements to optimize the application’s performance.

The final result was a modern, user-centric application that addressed the specific needs of investors and construction project partners. The redesigned application not only improved productivity and decision-making but also solidified SNCF’s position as an industry leader, fostering stronger partnerships and investment opportunities within the construction sector.



  • Enhance user experience and streamline processes within the construction project ecosystem for investors and construction project partners of SNCF.
  • Create an intuitive and user-friendly interface to simplify navigation and improve overall usability.
  • Ensure consistency and cohesion in visual elements, aligning with SNCF’s branding guidelines for a unified experience.


  • Conduct user interviews, workshops, and user journey mapping to gather insights and inform design decisions.
  • Organize complex data and functionalities to simplify navigation and improve usability.
  • Create wireframes to iteratively visualize and refine the application’s new structure.
  • Design a modern and user-centric interface aligned with SNCF’s branding guidelines.
  • Conduct usability testing with investors and project partners to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.
  • Make necessary refinements based on user insights to optimize the application’s performance.


  • Redesigned business application tailored for investors and construction project partners, improving productivity and decision-making.
  • High-fidelity prototypes reflecting the modern and user-centric interface.
  • Usability testing results and feedback for iterative improvements.
  • Strengthened partnerships and investment opportunities within the construction sector, solidifying SNCF’s position as an industry leader.
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