Redesign Galian’s Digital Ecosystem: Enhancing Insurance Services for Professionals and Individuals

Redesign Galian’s Digital Ecosystem: Enhancing Insurance Services for Professionals and Individuals

For Galian, an insurance broker serving professionals and individuals, I embarked on a several-month journey to overhaul their entire digital ecosystem. This included redesigning the subscription processes for various insurance products they offered, as well as developing dedicated tools for their professional clients. The challenge was amplified by being the only UX designer working alongside a non-digital client team with established old processes and technoligies.


  • Redesign the entire digital ecosystem for Galian, providing a consistent and seamless user experience across all platforms.
  • Develop user-centric and intuitive interfaces for the subscription processes of different insurance products.
  • Create dedicated tools for professional clients, aligning them with the overall UX and UI logic.


  • Collaborate with stakeholders to identify different user personas and map out their respective journeys.
  • Analyze and understand the various insurance products in collaboration with the business teams.
  • Design and develop the initial interfaces for the subscription processes and professional client tools.
  • Establish a comprehensive design system to ensure consistency and uniformity across all internal and external tools.


  • Revamped digital ecosystem with improved subscription processes and user-friendly interfaces.
  • Tailored tools for professional clients, enhancing their overall experience with Galian’s services.
  • A robust design system serving as a foundation for all future internal and external applications, promoting design consistency and efficiency.

Through close collaboration with the client’s team and meticulous planning, I successfully delivered a cohesive and efficient digital ecosystem for Galian, elevating their user experience and strengthening their position as a trusted insurance broker in the market.

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