Mobile and TV application for kids to watch cartoons

Mobile and TV application for kids to watch cartoons

As the UX designer for this project, I had the privilege of working closely with the France TV team and parents to craft an application that catered to the unique needs and preferences of children aged 3-6 and teenagers aged 7-12. Collaboration was key as we sought valuable insights from both internal stakeholders and parents to better understand the young users’ expectations.

To ensure the application’s effectiveness, we conducted extensive user testing at La Maison du test, where we directly engaged with kids to evaluate and refine the interface. These user testing sessions allowed us to gather firsthand feedback, observe user interactions, and fine-tune the design to create an immersive and delightful experience for the young audience.

With the invaluable input from parents, the France TV team, and the user testing sessions, we successfully delivered a visually appealing, intuitive, and age-appropriate application that met the diverse needs of children and teenagers. This collaborative effort and user-centric approach were instrumental in crafting a truly engaging platform that resonated with the young viewers of France TV.

Client: France TV
Date: 2020
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