Redesign online store and backoffice for second hand car dealer

Redesign online store and backoffice for second hand car dealer

This project requested by one of the leaders of the automotive market in Europe had for objective to redesign the site which allowed the purchase and the resale of second-hand vehicles. I also had to redesign the backoffice that allowed the management of the vehicles by the dealers present in the dealerships.

The goal of this project is to design a modern and easy to use user interface for the users, and to modernize the backoffice for a better management of the fleet of vehicles of the dealerships.


  1. Improve the user experience by making the site more intuitive and easy to navigate
  2. Make the site more visually appealing to customers
  3. Ensure mobile compatibility for easy access on the go
  4. Modernize the back office for more efficient management of the dealers’ fleet of vehicles


  • User research to understand customer expectations for buying or leasing used vehicles online
  • Design of a new modern and intuitive user interface for customers
  • Design of a new backoffice for a better management of the dealers’ fleet of vehicles
  • Development of prototypes


  • User research paper
  • Design of the user interface for customers (wireframes and mock-ups)
  • Design of the backoffice for the management of the dealers’ fleet of vehicles
  • Functional prototype of the new user interface for customers
  • Functional prototype of the backoffice for the management of the dealers’ fleet of vehicles
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