Design a Data Platform to Improve Sales of LVMH

Design a Data Platform to Improve Sales of LVMH

Objectives: The primary goal of this project was to develop a new platform designed to consolidate customer data across various houses of LVMH. The platform aimed to aggregate data to provide deeper insights into customer behaviors and preferences, ultimately driving increased and cross-brand purchases within the LVMH group. By integrating this data, LVMH sought to enhance its marketing strategies, personalize customer interactions, and optimize sales efforts across its diverse brands.

My Role:

  • User Research and Interviews: I led extensive user research and conducted interviews to understand the needs and behaviors of both customers and brands within LVMH. This involved gathering qualitative data directly from users and stakeholders to inform the design and functionality of the platform.
  • Persona Development: Utilizing insights from the user research, I developed detailed personas representing both customers and brand perspectives. These personas helped in tailoring the platform’s design to meet the varied needs and expectations of different user groups.
  • Data Flow Design: I was responsible for mapping out the data flows within the platform, ensuring that customer data from different brands could be effectively integrated and utilized. This involved working closely with the data team to identify key data points and the best methods for data aggregation and analysis.
  • UX Design: Collaborating with the UX team, I helped design the user interface of the platform, focusing on creating an intuitive and engaging experience that would make it easy for LVMH staff to access and utilize customer insights.


  • Integrated Data Platform: The culmination of this project was a comprehensive platform that seamlessly integrates customer data across LVMH’s brands. The platform supports advanced data analysis tools that provide actionable insights, enabling LVMH to enhance customer engagement and cross-sell effectively.
  • Enhanced Customer Insights: Through the effective use of customer personas and refined data flows, the platform provides LVMH with a deeper understanding of customer behaviors and trends, leading to more targeted marketing strategies.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: The UX improvements and intuitive data integration tools I developed have significantly streamlined the process for LVMH’s teams to access and act on customer data, improving decision-making and operational efficiency across the group.
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